The doors are big and heavy ... not easy to open. You have to take them with all the power to move them on and on and try a little more until they actually open ...
I passed through that door every morning. Without thinking that I can “fight” with them. I push the button and it opens by itself.
I’ve never thought of them ... it’s just a door … a little higher than usual … a little heavier than usual. And nothing more. Something irrelevant. Until today.
I was inside and I felt more than I saw, someone was trying to open them. An attempt ...second ... third .. I turned toward them and then they just opened, not completely but enough, and I saw a man trying to enter. At that moment I thought he was someone who was conceived or upset and did not see that there is a button for automatic opening.
And then ... I saw that he only has one leg and walks with crutches. I ran to him wanting to hold the door, and he turned to me with the widest cheerful smile you can imagine, spread his arms leaning on crutches and said: "Everything is ok, thank you" and continued to laugh and talk.
His face was so open and peaceful, it was evident that he is in complete harmony with himself, radiating lots of positive energy. His voice was so bright and warm as painted in light blue and orange at the same time. He had an inner peace.
He went out as he entered, not by pressing the automatic button, this time he opened the door without a problem, on the first try.
I think you understand what I intend to say with this story.
And I remembered this saying (do not remember whose) that I read somewhere a long time ago:
“As water reflects a face back to face, so one’s heart is reflected back to him by another.”
And now I wish to all of you a pleasant and beautiful evening and a peaceful night with nice dreams.